Potentially inappropriate medication use in older adults assisted as outpatients in ASSE’s Metropolitan RAP (Primary Health Care) during 2019
Introduction: older adults are at higher risk for developing adverse drug reactions. Potentially inappropriate medications are drugs that have more risks than benefits in this age group. There are a number of tools to support the prescription of medication in geriatrics that allow the identification of these medications, and by applying studies developed on the use of medications we may describe or analyze their impact on a given population.
Objectives: to recognize availability of potentially inappropriate medications in older adults in ASSE’s Metropolitan RAP during 2019 and to draw conclusions about the current situation in terms of the consumption of this kind of medications.
Method: an institutional analysis of medications available in each healthcare provided was conducted through the application of Beers Criteria 2019, and two anticholinergic risk scales were used to identify potentially inappropriate medications. Subsequently, the use of the medications identified was studied by applying pharmacy dispensing data between January 1 and December 31, 2019. Consumption was expressed in defined daily doses every 1000 adults per year (DHD).
Results: 16 potentially inappropriate medications were identified, the most widely used of which were clonazepam (DHD 69), quetiapine (65.6), alprazolam (DHD 43.7), flunitrazepam (DHD 42.7) and zolpidem (DHD 36.4).
Conclusions: Applying explicit tools makes it easier to identify potentially inappropriate medications for older adults. An increased consumption of these kinds of drugs was noticed during 2019, as a result of benzodiazepine derivatives and quetiapine.
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