Littoral cell angioma of the spleen

Report on a clinical case

  • Laura Tasende Universal Sociedad Médica, Cirujana General
  • Valentina Elicegui Universal Sociedad Médica, Cirugía General, Residente
  • Mauricio Pontillo Universal Sociedad Médica, Cirujano General


Littoral cell angioma of the spleen is rather an unusual benign vascular neoplasm with non-specific clinical, paraclinical and imaging presentation. Our patient underwent splenectomy, performed as the appropriate and remedial treatment. Diagnosis was made by means of histology and immunohistochemistry techniques of the pathologic anatomy of the surgical piece.


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How to Cite
Tasende L, Elicegui V, Pontillo M. Littoral cell angioma of the spleen. Rev. Méd. Urug. [Internet]. 2023Mar.16 [cited 2025Jan.5];39(1):e702. Available from: