Quality of life related to health in people with HIV and associated factors
in spite of there being a meaningful improvement in the survival of individuals as a consequence of antiretroviral therapy (ART), several studies have shown it affects the health-related quality of life of HIV infected people.
to assess the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of HIV infected people, as well as social and demographic variables, associated clinical findings, in particular in the adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART).
transversal study of a non-probabilistic sample of HIV infected people, older than 18years old, undergoing antiretroviral therapy (ART), who were seen in the public sub-sector during a 24 month period. The MOS-HIV SF30 (HRQoL) questionnaire survey was applied. The SMAQ questionnaire was applied to assess adherence.
101 patients were included in the study. The MOS-HIV SF30 (HRQoL) questionnaire evidenced reliability and a good internal consistency. Global HRQoL score was 71.71±17.76. Global score was worse and in a few dimensions, in patients with an undetectable viral load the following was found: physical activity: p=0.016; energy/fatigue: p=0.008; perceived quality of life: p=0.025. Score for women was worse for pain: p=0.034; physical activity: p=0.006; social performance: p=0.031; mental health: p=0.040. The score was meaningfully better in a few domains among those who adhered to it (general health condition perceived p=0.027; social performance: p=0.030), in gay/bisexual boys (pain: p=0.025; daily activity: p=0.028); among those who had sex in the last month (general health condition perceived: p=0.011).
the Global HRQoL score was good despite it being a population comprising multiple vulnerabilities. In spite of adherence being associated to a better perception of the HRQoL in a few domains, it had no impact on the global score. Undetectable viral load was no predictor of the HRQoL, what reinforces the idea that isolated biological parameters do not account for the complexity of perceived health condition.
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