Audit of the results of the Breast Diagnostic Unit of the British Hospital

  • Gustavo Febles Hospital Británico, Unidad de Diagnóstico Mamario. Médico imagenólogo
  • Cristina Balbiani Hospital Británico, Unidad de Diagnóstico Mamario. Médico imagenólogo


Objectives: to evaluate the performance of the British Hospital's Breast Diagnosis Center during its first year of operation.
Method: the cancer detection rate, the positive predicitive value (PPV), the average size of invading cancer, the minimum cancer percentage, the percentage of stages 0 and I cancer, and the percentage of negative axillary lymph were calculated. Results were compared to reference parameters provided by the Breast Cancer Surveillance Consortium (BCSC).
Results: the PPV of all positive mammograms (BI-RADS 4 and 5) was 61,5% (over P90 according to the BCSC database).
Cancer detection rate was 5.4 cancer cases /1.000 (P10 for a diagnosis center and P75 for a screening center).
Minimum cancer percentage was 37.5% (P25 to P50). 20 cases of breast invasive cancers were diagnosed, and average size of the same was 15.9 mm (P10). The percentage of stage 0 and stage I cancer was 56% (P25 a P50). The percentage of negative axillary lymph was (P10 a P25).
Conclusions: results indicate the British Hospital Breast Diagnosis Center successfully achieves the goals set.
Values of measured parameters fall within the frequency distribution range which include most figures supplied by the reference database (BCSC).


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How to Cite
Febles G, Balbiani C. Audit of the results of the Breast Diagnostic Unit of the British Hospital. Rev. Méd. Urug. [Internet]. 2011Apr.30 [cited 2024Dec.18];27(1):30-7. Available from: