Psychoactive substance use during the COVID-19 pandemic
Toxicological implications from a comprehensive approach and therapeutic challenges
Mr. Director of the Revista Médica del Uruguay
Prof. Dr. Hugo Rodríguez
In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is necessary to understand the potential changes in patterns of alcohol consumption, psychotropic drugs, major pain relievers, and the occasional or experimental use of other central nervous system depressant, stimulant, or disruptive drugs "to alleviate displeasure ”. In conditions of isolation, consumption can be aggravated, far from a socio-affective network or from adequate treatment, even more so when the evidence shows that in conditions prior to the pandemic, problem drug users have greater difficulties in accessing drugs. healthcare services (1)
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(5) Volkow ND. Collision of the COVID-19 and addiction epidemics. Ann Intern Med 2020:M20-1212. doi: 10.7326/M20-1212. Disponible en: [Consulta: 8 abril 2020].
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