Intentional homicides in health

An ignored topic in healthcare security

  • Carlos Vivas Ministerio de Salud, Comisión Nacional de Seguridad del Paciente, Ex Miembro. Servicio Médico Integral, Cirujano Coloproctólogo. Magister en Dirección de Empresas de Salud. Fulbright Scholar
  • Homero Bagnulo Ministerio de Salud, Comisión Nacional de Seguridad del Paciente, Ex Presidente. Fondo Nacional de Recursos, Ex Presidente. Hospital Maciel, Centro de Cuidados Intensivos, Ex Director


Intentional homicides committed by health workers in the course of their duties are very rare events. Its importance resides in the fact that the structural and functional weaknesses of health systems are exposed through its analysis. Moreover, their harmful effects are not limited to the victims and their families, since the reliability of the health system as a whole is damaged. This article summarizes the characteristics of these attacks, emphasizing the strategies of healthcare security that can intercept offenders.


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How to Cite
Vivas C, Bagnulo H. Intentional homicides in health. Rev. Méd. Urug. [Internet]. 2021Sep.17 [cited 2024Dec.18];37(3):e37310. Available from: