Historic autopsy
Method and use in analyzing a violent event occurred in Uruguay in 1972
Historic autopsy is defined as the medico-legal research about causes and circumstances of a death based on a critical, harmonious, hierarchical and objective interpretation of data coming from documents and testimony when access to corpse or remaining bones is indirect.
A research of a violent and confused event that occurred in Uruguay (1972) in a tense political situation. The objectives were to prove reliability of historic autopsy in this case, to determine likely causes of death and to describe the injuries endured by the victims as well as discussing medical management from an ethic and medico-legal point of view.
After using the appropriated methodology we determined the protagonists of the event, historic autopsies were undergone, and we established the injuries and causes of death of the victims who did not undertake autopsies. Five victims did not receive medical assistance in place, the course and treatment in three injured people were also determined.
Conclusion: 1. Methodology was useful to clarify substantial aspect of the incident. 2. All injuries (including the military officer) were produced by military armament. 3. All civil victims died by a violent cause, the military officer died from natural causes. 4. The unique survivor carries important sensorial secuelae. 5. Medico-legal management omitted judicial studies and the signature of death certification transgressing legal policies. 6. In relation to ethic management, despite most injured people did not receive medical assistance in situ, hospital surgeons acted with impartiality in accordance to lex artis ad hoc.
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