Electronic health record
Confidentiality and privacy of clinical data
The national electronic health record (HCEN) is being implemented in our country, within the framework of a scenario whereby each one of the health providers is obliged to have an electronic health record (EHR) and to exchange clinical data of the patients they assist.
The present study aims to review and discuss aspects in connection with the confidentiality and privacy of data in the health records of individuals in this new scenario.
To start with, a conceptual framework is defined for the EHR and the HCEN. The current legal approach with regard to this topic is reviewed, emphasizing on general concepts of privacy and addressing specific aspects that have to do with the access and custody of health records.
The implementation of the HCEN system initially represents several benefits, both from the healthcare perspective (patient and physician) and from the viewpoint of the national information system for health. In order to implement the HCEN, it was necessary to regulate a few legal aspects, as the rights and obligations arising in the new system.
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