A multidisciplinary approach to chronic pain. Results and challenges



Chronic pain is a global public health problem, and according to estimations, it affects around 20% of the population. Evidence is telling us the best assistance model for this kind of patients is through multidisciplinary teams, focusing on communication among the different disciplines and building up a common approach to patients.

The Pain Multidisciplinary Unit at Maciel Hospital - National Insurance Bank involves the implementation of a biopsychosocial assistance model for Chronic Pain, whose therapeutic goal is the comprehensive rehabilitation of the patient. This study describes the population assisted in the first seven months of operation at the National Insurance Bank, the comprehensive evaluation conducted by the team and the most relevant results, as well as the definition of a personalized therapeutic plan.

Chronic low back pain was the most frequent clinical condition. Upon comprehensive assessment we point out how pain interfered with basic everyday life activities in 90% of patients, sleep alterations in 60% and depression diagnosed on 40% of the population assisted. The studies provides a detailed account of interventions around the three therapeutic pillars: pharmacologic, physical rehabilitation and psychotherapy, having the main objective been defined as the individual’s rehabilitation and going back to work.


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How to Cite
Abreu M del C, Montes MJ, Quinteros G, Retamoso J, Retamoso I. A multidisciplinary approach to chronic pain. Results and challenges. Rev. Méd. Urug. [Internet]. 2019Apr.7 [cited 2024Nov.17];35(1):36-1. Available from: http://www2.rmu.org.uy/ojsrmu311/index.php/rmu/article/view/10