Thoracic trauma in the Intensive Care Unit
Risk factors responsible for prolonged mechanical ventilation and death
Introduction: thoracic trauma is a common condition, 70% of cases lie within the framework of polytrauma and 46.5% correspond to traffic accidents. Trauma involves young patients with mortality rates of 30%.
Method: we conducted a cohort study oo adult patients in critical condition from March, 2014 to June, 2015.
The following data was collected prospectively: demographic details, comorbilities, injury severity scores, mechanical ventilation, treatment, complications and evolution. Risk factors were studied in connection with prolonged mechanical ventilation (=>7 days) and univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were conducted, expressed in odds ratio (OR) with 95% confidence intervals. Student’s t Test and Mann-Whitney U tests were used for quantitative variables; Chi-square test and Fisher exact test were used for qualitative variables. The level of statistical significance was <0,05.
Results: the study included 66 patients, 82% of them were male. Average age 43±17years old (±1 standard deviation). 73% accounted for traffic accidents, 94% were cases of closed trauma, 60,6% with invasive mechanical ventilation. Independent risk factors for prolonged ventilation: Injury Severity Score (ISS), and late ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP). Every time the ISS increases the risk of needing mechanical ventilation assistance ? 7days rises 1.28 more times and the late VAP increases it this need by 27.46%.
All patients who died (9%) were on mechanical ventilation, although there was no relationship between death and prolonged ventilation. Univariate risk factors: obesity, early VAP, Hemorrhagic shock, Apache II ?18.
Conclusions: late VAP was an independent risk factor for prolonged mechanical ventilation, the same as increase in the value of the ISS score, when compared to the lower levels or scores. Obese patients, those with early mechanical ventilation, Hemorrhagic shock and Apache II ?18 were in risk.
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