Ten years of the Uruguayan Registry of Peritonitis in Peritoneal Dialysis
Peritonitis is a severe complication of peritoneal dialysis (PD), so it is important to learn about the incidence and antibiotic sensitivity of the germs that cause it. In Uruguay, since January 1, 2004, a national record is kept for peritonitis in PD, germs, sensitivity and evolution.
Method: the records from January 1, 2004 through December 31, 2013 were analyzed. The registry was approved by institutional ethical committes.
Results: during the above mentioned period, 850 cases of peritonitis were recorded, and incidence dropped from 0.49/patient-year (2004-2005) to 0.37/patient-year (2013). Incidence of Staphylococcus aureus and coagulase-negative staphylococci (SCoN) was lower in 2009-2013 vs 2004-2005 (0.2 vs 0.12 peritonitis/patient-year, test Poisson p<0.05). In 2009-2013: 14/54 S. aureus and 26/71 SCoN were methicillin-resistant, similar to the previous period. 98% of Gram-negative were sensitive to amikacin. No germ was identified in 145/467 (31%) of episodes. Primary cure was achieved in 71% of peritonitis for Gram-positive and 45% for Gram-negative bacteria (chi2 p<0.05). In 2013 a greater incidence of peritonitis was observed in those centers where the nasal carriage was not controlled.
Comments and conclusions: controlling Staphylococcus aureus nasal carriages is worth doing. The incidence of peritonitis by methicillin-resistant S. aureus y SCoN, the sustained incidence of Gram-negative germs (with a worse evolution), and the high percentage of cultures with no development justify keeping the initial empirical antibiotic protocol with vancomycin and amikacin. Reduction in the incidence of S. aureus + SCoN could be explained by a greater education in PD patients.
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