Milestones of the work of Uruguayan professors of Parasitology
First communication: Dres. Angel Gaminara MD, and Rodolfo V. Talice, MD
With the main purpose of keeping their memory alive, the main milestones in the scientific work of Ángel Gaminara, MD and Rodolfo V. Talice, MD, two Parasitology Professors of our School of Medicine, are presented, following a brief account of the beginning of the specialization in the country, as well as their predecessors.
To be pointed out: a) in 1923 Gaminara found wild bloodsucking conenose bugs (Triatoma rubrovaria) naturally infected with Trypanosoma cruzi, only 14 years after the discovery of the disease by Carlos Chagas, named after him; b) in 1918 the pathological processes were described and subsequently named ameboma-of-the-colon-gaminara-and-lasnier-disease; c) in 1937 the first human case of the Chagas disease was discovered by Talice; d) in 1940 the first 100 cases in Uruguay were published (a study that was awarded the Premio Soca, by Talice, MD, Costa, MD, Rial, MD, and Osimani, MD.
(2) Tálice RV. Un documento interesante para la historia de nuestra Facultad de Medicina. Arch Urug Med Cir Espec 1937; 11(1):85-102.
(3) Gaminara A. Estudio experimental sobre Schizotrypanum cruzi y enfermedad de Chagas en el Uruguay. An Facultad Med (Univ Repúb Urug) 1923; 8:311-59.
(4) Ricaldoni A, Berta A. La disentería amibiana en el Uruguay. An Facultad Med (Univ Repúb Urug) 1916; 1:31-191.
(5) Lasnier E. Tumores inflamatorios amibianos de intestino grueso. An Facultad Med (Univ Repúb Urug) 1918; 3:810-28.
(6) Conti Díaz IA. Micología Médica. Montevideo: Oficina del Libro: Fefmur, 2009.
(7) Tálice RV, Costa RS, Rial B, Osimani JJ. Enfermedad de Chagas. Los 100 primeros casos agudos confirmados de enfermedad de Chagas enUruguay. Montevideo: Monteverde, 1974.
(8) Tálice RV. Enfermedades parasitarias del hombre y parásitos de interés médico.Montevideo:Sindicato Médico del Uruguay,1944.
(9) Tálice RV. Discursos. Selección de conferencias, charlas, homenajes y lecciones. Cámara de Senadores de la República Oriental del Uruguay 1998.
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