Medical biography of Sigmund Freud

  • Milton Rizzi Expresidente de la Sociedad Uruguaya de Historia de la Medicina y de la Sociedad de Otorrinolaringología del Uruguay.Miembro vitalicio de la Royal Society of Medicine. Miembro académico de la Academia Uruguaya de Historia Marítima y Fluvial


Sigmund Freud, of jewish family, was born May 6th, 1856 in Freiberg, Moravia, His parents moved to Vienna in 1858, Later on, he entered the University as a medical student. He qualified in 1881 and first served at Brücke´s division as a neurologist, then in Meynert’s and Breuer’s psychiatric units. He married Martha Bernays in 1886 and then went into private practice. Freud suffered megrim, tonsilitis, otitis, rhinosinusitis, typhoid fever, small pox, cardiac arrythmia, neumonia, rheumatism, sciatica, irritable colon and prostatism. His fatal maxillary tumor began in 1923 (he had always been a heavy smoker) and finally came to an end in 1939, after 34 surgical procedures and numberless radiotherapies and radium local aplications. The most excellent early XXth century’s european doctors assisted Freud during his calvary. A modern revision of Freud´s histopathological slides reasonably attests that his maxillary cancer was in fact a verrucous carcinoma, pathology first described by Lauren Ackerman of St. Louis, Missouri, in May 1948.


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How to Cite
Rizzi M. Medical biography of Sigmund Freud. Rev. Méd. Urug. [Internet]. 2014Sep.30 [cited 2025Jan.19];30(3):193-07. Available from:
History of Medicine