The Uruguayan Society of History of Medicine celebrates its 40th Anniversary - 1970-2010

Idea, creation, early days, consolidation (1970-1984)

  • Augusto Soiza Larrosa Miembro de Honor y expresidente de la Sociedad Uruguaya de Historia de la Medicina


This chronicle would not have been possible without the books of minutes and folders with varied documentation kept and deposited in the Department of History of Medicine, of the Faculty of Medicine of Montevideo. I have also resorted to my own file, since since my early incorporation into the Society in 1971, a year after it was founded, I worried about keeping any paper, notification or original that fell into my hands. Unfortunately I have lost a Memory 1970-1985, written by the unforgettable Dr. Héctor Brazeiro, secretary of minutes. However, the core is in those books and folders that were formed by Drs. Ruben Gorlero Bacigalupi, Héctor Brazeiro, Juan Gil Pérez and Sandra Burgues Roca, in that order. To them, our recognition and the affectionate memory of those who are not in this world.
Recreating the history and evolution of this Society arouses nostalgia because the memories of who our elders were, who we admire and with whom we share so many sessions in these 40 years.
I have preferred to give a general idea of ​​how the Society developed in those years, while in an Appendix I have left a list of the communications made in each year, in the academic meetings held between 1970 and 1984.

How to Cite
Soiza Larrosa A. The Uruguayan Society of History of Medicine celebrates its 40th Anniversary - 1970-2010. Rev. Méd. Urug. [Internet]. 2010Dec.31 [cited 2025Mar.7];26(4):257-66. Available from:
History of Medicine