Lung transplant in Uruguay. Progress in motion for the consolidation of the program

  • Nicolás Tommasino
  • Cecilia Chao
  • Ana Musetti Cátedra de Neumología, Hospital de Clínicas. Universidad de República
  • Alejandro Bertolotti Fundación Favaloro, Hospital Universitario
  • Paola Lattanzio Instituto del Tórax, Hospital Maciel.
  • Jorge Caneva Fundación Favaloro, Hospital Universitario
  • Pablo Dibarboure Instituto del Tórax, Hospital Maciel
  • Juan Manuel Osses Fundación Favaloro, Hospital Universitario
  • Guillermo Carriquiry Instituto del Tórax, Hospital Maciel
  • Pablo Curbelo Instituto del Tórax, Hospital Maciel



a program for Lung Transplant (LT) has been operative in Uruguay since 2003, by means of a bi-national agreement with Fundación Favaloro, a regional reference center in Argentina.


descriptive, retrospective study performed between 2003 and 2017. Data in the electronic register was compiled and analyzed using SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences).


70 patients were entered in the list, 27 of which underwent transplant surgery, 95% of them resumed social like and/or work. Etiologies included emphysema (33%), cystic fibrosis (26%) and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (11%). The most frequent complications were respiratory infections and alterations in the airway. Post-transplant mortality is 34% and conditional median survival is higher than 8 years. The increased mortality in the list (32%) encouraged development of new strategies for lung procurement. The following facts are pointed out: longitudinal follow-up of patients, modification of the calling threshold, the performance of alveolar recruitments maneuvers, the systematic performance of fibrobroncoscopy, minimization of transport times and training of the Uruguayan surgical team for ablation. Lung procurement increased from 0 per million of population (pm) in 2014 to 1.8 pmp in 2017


the Uruguayan program for LT has evidenced significant progress. The last two years have been essential for the increase of lung procurement. Results, survival and morbi-mortality are comparable to those described globally. Future perspectives will focus on consolidating the program in a reference center and performing ablation and implants in our country.

Author Biography

Ana Musetti, Cátedra de Neumología, Hospital de Clínicas. Universidad de República

Universidad de República, Hospital de Clínicas, Cátedra de Neumología


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How to Cite
Tommasino N, Chao C, Musetti A, Bertolotti A, Lattanzio P, Caneva J, Dibarboure P, Osses JM, Carriquiry G, Curbelo P. Lung transplant in Uruguay. Progress in motion for the consolidation of the program. Rev. Méd. Urug. [Internet]. 2019Apr.7 [cited 2025Mar.7];35(1):7-13. Available from:

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