Impact of cesarean antibiotic prophylactic protocol of in the Hospital Center Pereira Rossell
Background: a cesarean antibiotic prophylactic protocol, was implemented in July 2002 in the Hospital Center Pereira Rossell (CHPR): intravenous administration of 2 g of cefazoline post-eclampsia.
Objectives: to assess fulfillment and impact of the protocol on antibiotic consumption and costs.
Methods: protocol was compared through individual pharmacological profile (indicated antibiotic, time and duration of administration) in November 2002 and Novembre 2004. Impact of application was compared through monthly consumption variation (DDD/100 beds days) (daily dose/days beds) and antibiotic costs (U$S) during May-November 2002 and May-November 2004. Data was collected through the analysis of distribution and administration of unit dosage, and clinical histories.
Results: protocol rates was achieved in 85% (n=41) of studied patients in 2002 and 65% (n=47) in 2004 (p<0.05). After the implementation of the protocol, a significative decrease in cefazoline consumption was observed: from 25 DDD/100 beds/day in June to 3 DDD/100 beds/day in July. During the remaining studied period, cefazoline consumption was less than 3 DDD/100 beds/day.
Conclusions: in 2002 the impact of the implementation of the protocol regarding cefazoline consumption and costs was positive; during 2004, protocol achievement decreased significantly due to an inferior administration of the protocolized dose. Further analysis on post-surgical infectious complications and adverse events need to be considered in order to assess effectiveness of the protocol. Development of therapeutic guidelines is a primary strategy to promote a rational use of drugs.
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