Recommendations by the Uruguayan Society of Intensive Care on the Covid-19 pandemic

  • Álvaro Giordano Médico intensivista. Mg. en Bioética. Coordinador UMI Hospital Español, ASSE. Montevideo, Uruguay.
  • Ana Canale Médico intensivista. Coordinadora UCI Hospital Pasteur, ASSE. Montevideo, Uruguay.
  • Julio Pontet Médico intensivista. Director UCI, Hospital Pasteur, ASSE. Montevideo, Uruguay.
  • Natacha Reyes
  • Armando Cacciatori Médico intensivista. Profesor Adjunto del Sector Procuración del Instituto Nacional de Donación y Trasplante (INDT). Universidad de la República. Montevideo, Uruguay.
  • Humberto Correa
  • Luis Andrés Nu´ñez Médico intensivista. Magíster en Gestión de Empresas de Salud


Introduction: the pandemic caused by SARS-CoV2 constitutes a significant challenge for the health system, and especially for Critical Care Units, so we need to prepare in many aspects. Likewise, we need to consider there could be an extraordinary demand for beds in critical care units, what would lead to an imbalance between clinical needs and the effective availability of health resources. Objectives: the study aims to perform a bioethical analysis that could provide guidelines for the assistance of patients in critical care. Specific objectives: 1) to analyse the main bioethical principles in this context, 2) to support clinicians in the making of difficult decisions, 3) to make the resource allocation criteria specific, 4) to define action lines upon a potential “health’s disastrous” scenario
Method: the Uruguayan Society of Intensive Care has generated a space for collective work based on discussion processes. Documents include a bibliographic review and the existing protocols. Results: the study presents a theoretical analysis that is backed up by the bioethical principles involved in the pandemic context on the scenarios of demand for assistance and, by the arguments calling for a change in the ethical criteria upon the saturation of the health system. Conclusion: practical recommendations are made: 1) for the making of decisions about admission and discharge in a controlled demand. 2) to define action criteria upon an increase in demand, clearly defining the different scenarios, 3) to apply upon the saturation of the health system.


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How to Cite
Giordano Álvaro, Canale A, Pontet J, Reyes N, Cacciatori A, Correa H, Nu´ñezLA. Recommendations by the Uruguayan Society of Intensive Care on the Covid-19 pandemic. Rev. Méd. Urug. [Internet]. 2021Mar.31 [cited 2024Dec.19];37(1):e37111. Available from: