Relationship between alcohol consumption and trauma. Severity of traumatic injury




Our country has not conducted studies to report results on blood alcohol levels in traumatized patients or on its association with the severity of the traumatic injury.


To describe the epidemiological profile of trauma patients and to study the relationship between alcohol consumption and the severity of the traumatic injury.


Transversal study including all patients who suffered a traumatic event and were assisted at the Emergency Department of the Clínicas Hospital between March 1, 2017 and August 31, 2017. Data was prospectively collected and a blood alcohol level sample was taken from each one of the patients. Several patient related variables were considered, as well as the severity of the traumatic injury.


121 patients were included in the study, 28% showed positive blood alcohol levels and 27% presented severe traumatic injuries. Positive blood alcohol levels were associated to severity of the traumatic injury (p < 0.0001). No association was found between blood alcohol levels and the severity of the traumatic injury (p = 0.323).


Alcohol consumption is significantly associated to the severity of trauma. Our study shows that traumas are severe simply because blood alcohol levels are positive, regardless of the alcohol level, what supports the Zero Tolerance Law.


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How to Cite
Delgado E, Trostchansky J, Mion M, Ketzoian C, Barindelli A, Machado F. Relationship between alcohol consumption and trauma. Severity of traumatic injury. Rev. Méd. Urug. [Internet]. 2019May27 [cited 2024Nov.25];35(2):128-36. Available from: